Our Editor Testimonials

At Enago, our Expert Editors are the backbone of our qualitative excellence. Through a series of short videos, we introduce some of these Expert Editors, where they lend insights into their personal and professional lives. These videos will also help us understand their experience of working with Enago as well as their thoughts on how freelance editing advances the quality of research and on freelancing as a viable career opportunity.

Feel free to become a part of the Enago family if these videos inspire you!

FL1700 - Expert Editor
(Physical Sciences & Engineering)

FL1233 - Expert Editor
(Arts & Humanities)

FL232 - Expert Editor
(Physical Sciences)

FL205 - Expert Editor
(Energy Economics)

FL919 - Expert Editor
(Life Sciences)

FL816 - Expert Editor

FL728 - Expert Editor

FL73 – Expert Editor (Part I)

FL73 – Expert Editor (Part II)